Often we roast coffee from co-operatives, from communities, or sometimes from single fields on bigger farms. With this coffee, however, we’re able to showcase the incredible work of just one woman; Desalech Musie, who lives in the Hafursa Waro area of Yirgacheffe. As if being a mum of 6 wasn’t enough, Desalech farms 1.6 hectares of land around her family home at an altitude of 1,902 metres. She cultivates the heirloom sub-varieties of Kumie, Diga and Wilsho, shaded by Acacia and Sudan teak trees. They’re new to us, but Ethiopia is the home of coffee, and hundreds, if not thousands of sub-varietals exist there. Drying on raised beds and careful turning, as well as protection from the heat of the day are just part of the expert processing applied.
This is a natural process, similar to Born Sippin’, but with a more pronounced heaviness. Expect strawberry milkshake, molasses and plenty of raisin sweetness, however you brew. Espresso will result in punchy, flavourful shots, and that strawberry sweetness will be pronounced in milk drinks. In filter methods, the fruitiness will pop, but in immersion, expect to taste all those rich sticky sweet notes.