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Roasting in the Deep

chocolate, hazelnut, jammy dodgers

£10.00 - £26.00


‘Roasting In The Deep’ returns to Neighbourhood! A classic and crowd-pleasing cup, born for espresso. This natural process Brazilian is chocolatey, nutty with jammy biscuit crumb caramelisation. Pretty much perfect no matter how you brew. 

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Neighbourhood Coffee Logo
Country: Brazil
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1000m - 1,200m
Varietal: Yellow Catuai & Red Acaia
Launched: 2024
Alex Pereira inherited the Sitio from his parents in 2015, and has dedicated his life to producing high-quality coffee ever since. Alex started by selling his coffee to multinational traders to be used in blends, meaning all his hard work and dedication was never credited. This began to change when our good friends at Legender cupped his coffee and highlighted a single-farm lot of great quality.
Now, Alex focuses on post-harvesting practices, and he can deliver such a high-quality that he can now charge a premium for his hard work, which we’re delighted to pay.
Serra de Minas is a region known for higher quality due to altitude, soil and growing practices. Most producers in the region are aware of the potential that exists, and eager to join quality programs, despite their relatively small production levels, when compared to huge coffee farms. In order to overcome this barrier, many small-scale producers process the dry cherries in a shared dry mill to overcome this, which has facilitated access and logistics for small lots, meaning we can enjoy more coffee like this, from this wonderful region.
Serras de Minas is region known for higher quality due to higher altitudes, good soils, and knowledge-driven growing practices. Whilst most producers are small in scale, they’re aware of the quality potential that exists, and so often choose to pool resources. Shared dry milling, where they band together to process dried cherries at small community dry mills is one such example, and means they can organise access to buyers, and logistics for even the smallest lots. The result of their endeavours? We get to enjoy beautiful coffees like this, small in scale, but great in quality, from this wonderful region.

This coffee undergoes a natural process. The cherries are left to dry on a cemented patio under the warm sun for 15 days. The coffee rests in a thin layer and is turned multiple times a day to ensure it dries evenly.

The result is a coffee packed with sweet and rich confectionery flavours. Jammy and indulgent, like a certain jam sandwich biscuit remixed with a certain fruit and nut chocolate bar. If you ask us, this coffee was made for espresso, but you’ll get a great brew with an AeroPress or Cafetiere too. 

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Roasting in the Deep

£10.00 - £26.00

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